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[Newsletter] A Local Brand Created by a Surfer, BETTER THAN SURF

“Surfing, a leisure sport involving riding waves, becomes an unforgettable experience as surfers gradually let go oftheir strength, entrust themselves to the unpredictable waves, and become considerate of other surfers, ensuring each surfer can enjoy every wave.As discovering surfing transformed my ordinary daily life, opening my eyes to new passions and cultures, I aim to reflect on the values of life through surfing culture with many others. I firmly believe Jeju is the best surfing destination compared to any other place in South Korea. With its diverse seas and waves, Jeju can serve as the foundation for a culture where surfing is not an exclusive domain of a particular generation but a shared enjoyment for everyone. Although BETTER THAN SURF started with surfing, it now encapsulates Jeju's soul, extending its focus to leisure, travel, tourism, and lifestyle. We aspire to capture Jeju's essence, incorporating leisure, travel, tourism, and lifestyle. I wonder what else awaits us beyond 'surfing'.”


Surfing, A New Culture Starting from Jeju

Surfing has emerged as a popular leisure sport among Gen Z, who are not hesitant in expressing themselves and don't distinguish their hobbies from their jobs. In various global destinations such as Miyazaki in Japan, Boracay in the Philippines, Bali in Indonesia, Hawaii in the United States, and Bondi in Australia, surfing attracts tourists worldwide. YangyangSurfyy Beach, opened in 2015, has also witnessed a growing population of surf enthusiasts along the East Coast. What about Jeju, then? Those seeking the thrill of waves flock to the beaches of Jeju City and Seogwipo, regardless of the season. In surfing, while the moment of riding itself is important, the lifestyle aspect—enjoying the atmosphere of freedom with like-minded people who share the same hobby—is also noteworthy. Similar to the renowned lifestyle surfing brand Patagonia, BETTER THAN SURF has introduced lifestyle products centered around surfing in Jeju. We met with CEO Kim Junyong.

Q  If you were just a brand focused on "surfing," you might not have garnered as much attention. Could you introduce the BETTER THAN SURF brand?

BETTER THAN SURF is a surfing-themed lifestyle brand. Based in Jeju, where we surf ourselves, the brand aims to find a better direction in life through the values of leisure and relaxation gained from surfing. We are expanding the brand beyond surfing to activities promoting a balanced wellness life encompassing work and life.


Q  What has been the investment status and ongoing activities to promote the brand since its establishment in 2021 (pop-ups, collaborations, etc.)?

After attracting seed investment from the Center for Creative Economy & Innovation in 2022, we are currently in discussions for follow-up and additional investments. In 2023, we wereenhancing our technological and competitive capabilities, gaining the designation as a venture company and Pre-TIPS in 2023. We have been extending our categories beyond surfing to tourism and leisure through various activities, including joining the Korea Tourism Organization's Tourism Accelerating Program, global expansion with Musinsa, opening a store in Seoul, and participating in the Jeju Sogilbyeolha Surfing/Music Festival, and the All That Travel Fair at COEX.


Q  What is the current lineup of BETTER THAN SURF, and what areas do you plan to expand into in the future?

Currently, our product lineup includes surfboards, clothing, leisure goods, merchandise, and functional items. With the opening of a store in Seoul, we have commenced operating leisure programs. Beginning in 2024, we are set to expand into Japan, the United States, China, and Indonesia.We also plan to operate wellness centers combining leisure and retreatment services, such as surfing and yoga, and F&B services to grow into a lifestyle brand that offers a comprehensive experience from products to programs.


A Hobby to Overcome Burnout Leads to a Jeju-Based Surfing Startup

Q  After working as a designer in Seoul and overseas for a long time, what prompted you to move to Jeju for entrepreneurship?

I worked as a brand designer at Hyundai Card and LINE. In Japan, I managed LINE's services and brands as a brand design leader. Although I built experience and my portfolio as the company grew, I faced burnout due to excessive workload. To overcome this, I turned to surfing. Although surfing provided relaxation and leisure, it also led me to ask myself, "What is a better life? Am I living a satisfying life?" I found myself answering that I am not. So, I decided to leave my job and started my brand to convey a message to people about finding their path and time.

Returning to Korea, I believed Jeju, with its harmonious blend of surfing and nature, was an ideal place to live. I prepared for the brand while surfing and refreshing myself in Jeju. The presence of excellent waves for surfing on the island was another significant reason.

Q  Can you share any episodes about the preparation process for starting a business in Jeju and the institutions that provided assistance? How do you cope with the burden of being responsible for a company, unlike being part of a company as an employee?

We received substantial support from the Jeju Center for Creative Economy & Innovation (CCEI) and the Jeju Tourism Organization. Having only worked in design, I was clueless at first. Luckily, after being selected as a company nurtured by the Jeju CCEI, we received various forms of support, from office assistance to consulting. This allowed me to gain a sense of running a business, as well as insights into the investment market through seed investment. We also received recognition from the Jeju Tourism Organization as a J-startup leading Jeju tourism. This made us realize the potential for expanding beyond surfing into tourism and leisure.

As the company grows, the sense of responsibility increases. While this responsibility can be stressful, it also serves as the driving force for working hard, empowering the brand to envision global expansion beyond Jeju.

The Power of a Brand Recognized for its Scalability and Potential

Q  In July, BETTER THAN SURF was selected for the 4th Pre-TIPS of 2023 by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups. What do you think is the reason BETTER THAN SURF is gaining attention from investors?

Emphasizing philosophy and values as a brand, I believe we attract investors due to our commitment to authentic products and content. While it might be an obvious answer, I consider it the most challenging aspect of running a company. Although rapid growth can be achieved through eye-catching content and advertising spending, showcasing authenticity opens up greater possibilities in various aspects.

For instance, we promote our brand through content creation rather than advertising spending, securing a core fan base, and achieving advertising effectiveness. The organic fan base consists mainly of individuals in their 20s and 30s who voluntarily leave positive reviews about our brand. Furthermore, as a brand receiving invitations from other brands and marketers, we have collaborated with Microsoft, The Hyundai, and more, with plans for even better collaborations in 2024. On top of the brand's loyalty, I believe that with future capital and marketing efforts, we can achieve remarkable growth.

Moreover, we are planning to go global, responding to requests from overseas markets where surfing has become a lifestyle, demonstratingour potential expansion.

Q  While Jeju and surfing are a perfect match, I wonder why there hasn't been a surfing-related culture or brand until now. What pros and cons do you feel while operating a brand in Jeju?

Jeju is an excellent place for surfing, but surfing is a relatively new trend, and Jeju has geographical limitationsas an island. Surfing started in Korea about ten years ago, and now the surfing market is gradually growing. Although it's not large yet, this presents the possibility of significant growth. 

Additionally, Jeju's geographical separation, requiring travel by plane or ferry, posed challenges to the growth of surfing culture and the brand. However, I considered this to be a rather significant advantage.For instance, once people come to Jeju as a travel destination, resulting in longer stays and higher expenditures. I believe this allows us to increase revenue through high-quality services. Moreover, we are enhancing the brand's value through exceptional service, while overcoming Jeju's limitations by establishing a system that provides consumer goods nationwide through a logistics center on the mainland, contributing to the brand's growth.


 As a brand based in Jeju, how do you manage talent acquisition and the workforce? (The Journal section on your website is very appealing. What prompted its creation?)

Based on my experience working at IT companies, we embrace remote work, utilizing marketing tools, communication tools, and cloud systems. 

Capable talent from Seoul, Gyeonggi, Jeju, and the United States handle tasks in their respective fields, seeking a balance between surfing, free time, and work. As work-life balance is the company's motto, we strive to create an environment that reflects this. 

The Journal on the website is continuously updated to sharethe directions pursued by the brand, aligning with BETTER THAN SURF's philosophy of a "balanced life between work and personal life." We plan to introduce various individuals living valuable lives in different fields, such as surfers, influencers, brand owners, and artists.


BETTER THAN SURF: Journey to Find Something Better

Q  Currently, you have an offline store in Seoul. Do you have plans to expand to more locations in the future? Also, as you expand the brand online, what led to establishing a logistics center in Gyeonggi? Please share more about the operational status.

We aim to expand beyond Seoul to become a domestic and international brand. In 2024, we plan to expand into the US, Japan, Indonesia, and China. Starting with the launch of a wellness camp in Indonesia in 2024.And if the market response is positive in the US and Japan, we intend to open stores in Tokyo and Los Angeles in 2025. Regarding the logistics center, we strategically chose the location in Gyeonggi Province because, even though we are a Jeju-based brand, we target nationwide sales using the rich story of Jeju as our foundation. With this perspective, we are also operating global shipping seamlessly.

Q  What connections does BETTER THAN SURF have with Jeju (products, services, etc.), and what are your plans for the future?

Currently, we offer products featuring graphics depicting Jeju's story, recycledproducts made from Jeju's plastic waste, and a pale ale beer released in collaboration with a local brewery in Jeju. As we received requests for products embodying Korean/Jeju characteristics from the US and Japan, we plan to continue developing products that reflect Jeju's story and sell them internationally from 2024 onward.

What plans does BETTER THAN SURF have to appeal to both consumers and investors?

We will continue to consider business aspects for market and revenue expansion, but we will also consistently showcase the brand's authenticity. In 2024, we plan to publish the BETTER THAN SURF Magazine, operate a surfing/leisure clinic, and engage in other positive brand activities, creating value.

Q  Nature, relaxation, and escaping everyday life are keywords that resonate with modern people these days. What plans and vision does BETTER THAN SURF have for a better life?

We aspire to become Korea's Patagonia. This may sound clichéd, but we question if a brand can follow through its vision like Patagonia until the end. The inception of our brand was driven by the goal of conveying the values of leisure and relaxation, and the same also served as the source of overcoming my challenges. Our ultimate goal is to deliver a sense of direction for a meaningful life to modernindividuals, becoming a brand that advocates for a balanced life between the city and nature, everyday life and work.