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[Newsletter] Jeju to Foster Aerospace Industry Talent Locally

The Jeju Provincial Government and the Jeju Provincial Office of Education submitted an application to designate Hallim Technical High School as a “2024 Agreement-Type Specialized High School.” This program partners with the education office and businesses to combat the low birth rate and the youth exodus from non-Seoul areas, training local talent for specialized industries. The 8th Jeju Provincial Government prepared the application with six local organizations and private space businesses, aiming to develop new industries and foster local talent for them―a primary policy goal. 

The First Step Toward Fostering Aerospace Talents in Jeju 

In February, the Jeju Provincial Government and six local organizations (Jeju Special Self-Governing Provincial Council, Jeju Provincial Office of Education, Jeju National University, Jeju Technopark, Hanwha Systems, and Hallim Technical High School) held a working meeting to discuss the application. At the meeting, the government pledged robust support for the designation through the Regional Innovation System & Education (RISE) system starting next year. This support will involve establishing new school departments linked with RISE to enable early employment opportunities and will extend to financial investments in pertinent areas. Additionally, the education office plans to establish Jeju autonomous schools in conjunction with an educational development special zone initiative and enhance vocational education in emerging industries. These goals will be achieved by supporting department restructuring, appointing school principals through open calls, and applying special-case educational curriculum rules under the Special Act on the Establishment of Jeju Special Self-governing Province and the Development of Free International City. 

Furthermore, the education office will help students build professional skills required in the civil aerospace and facility industries. Governor Oh Yeong-hoon emphasized the crucial role of agreement-type specialized high schools in retaining youth and supporting local industries at a time of declining local populations. "We are committed to supporting the operation of the agreement-type specialized high school to build an industrial workforce that remains in Jeju," he stated. Superintendent Kim Kwang-soo added, "this high school is intended to foster a collaborative system that supports innovation in both vocational education and living conditions comprehensively." He continued, "we will strive to establish a virtuous cycle ranging from education and employment to growth and residence by integrating the human and material resources of the provincial institutions."

Jeju to Foster ‘Tailored Workforce’ through Institutional Support and Specialized Aerospace Education

The Korean government is set to designate up to ten agreement-type specialized high schools, with the selection results to be announced in May. Should Hallim Technical High School be designated, it will specialize in training an aerospace workforce for Jeju. This designation brings several benefits, including special grants from the Ministry of Education and additional points for national secondary vocational education projects. Each consortium must annually report its progress as per the agreement, overseen by the Ministry’s Agreement-Type Specialized High School Fostering Committee. Jeju will implement a specialized aerospace curriculum in collaboration with the involved organizations, creating vocational training programs that equip workers with the practical skills demanded by the industry.