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Current status of Industrial Clusters

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Energy Valley Urban High-Tech Industrial Complex (National & General)

○ Location: Apchon, Jiseok, Daeji, and Seokjeong-dong, Nam-gu

  <National Industrial Complex>

○ Project area : 485,887㎡

○ Project period : 2015. ~ 2020.

○ Land sale (parceling-out): 2017. 12. ~

○ Price of land per lot : KRW 411,000/㎡

○ Eligible business categories : R&D, electronic components, electrical equipment, other machinery

○ Total project budget : KRW 142.8 billion

○ Project organizer : Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport

○ Constructor : Gwangju Metropolitan City Corporation ☏ 062)371-0873

○ Main facilities : Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute LSIS, Korea Basic Science Institute

  <General Industrial Complex>

○ Project area : 932,312㎡

○ Project period : 2016. ~ 2021.

○ Land sale (parceling-out) : 2020. 6. ~

○ Price of land per lot : TBD

○ Eligible business categories : Electronic components, electrical equipment, other machinery, motor vehicles, R&D etc.

○ Total project budget : KRW 297.8 billion

○ Project organizer : Gwangju Metropolitan City

○ Constructor : Gwangju Metropolitan City Corporation ☏ 062)385-6165