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Gangwon State signed an MOU on biopharmacuetial cooperation with Ewha Womans University

According to Yonhap News,

Gangwon State sigend an MOU on technology exchange to foster the bio-national high-tech strategic industry with Ewha Womans University on April 24.

The two parties to the agreement will cooperate in :supporting the development of the bio-industry, including the creation of a specialized bio-national high-tech strategic industry complex; joint research through the exchange of R&D infrastructure and excellent personnel of each institution; supporting companies in technology transfer, business establishment, and clinical trials; and joint response to new national projects through the formation of consortiums between industry, academia, research, and hospitals.

The two institutions have have developed their capabilities in the field of biopharmaceutical development with keen interest.

Ewha Womans University is taking the lead in fostering next-generation leaders in the advanced bio fields, such as pharmaceutical, medical, and life sciences, food biotechnology, and food nutrition, as well as fostering professionasl in the advanced bio-fields by operating the Graduate School of Clinical BioHealth and Pharmaceutical Bio Education Center.

Meanwhile, Gangwon State has been laying the foundation for the bio-industry, starting with the designation of Chuncheon-si as a pilot city for fostering the bio-industry in 1998, and followed by an effort to create Hongcheon National Antibody Cluster and a national industrial complex for natural products in Gangneung.

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Source: Yonhap News (April 24, 2024)

** This article was translated from Korean.