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Kwanhun Club Seminar on 'The Role of Human Journalists in the Era of Chat GPT'

According to Yonhap News,

Kwanhun Club had a seminar on The Role of Human Journalists in the Era of Chat GPT' in Seogwipo KAL Hotel, Jeju on May 19.

Lee Sungkyu, CEO of Mediasphere made a presentation on 'Generative AI (Chat GPT) and Journalism'.

While explaining about the importance of developing language models designed only for journalism, he emphasized concern over a high tendency of our dependency on the such platforms, arguing we need to prepare for them.

Koo Bon kwon, the head hangyeore life and digital Institute and Oh Se-wook, senior researcher at Korea Press Foundation, among other panelists, delivered speeches about unaffected areas by Chat GPT and how the Korean media is now using Chat GPT.

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Source: Yonhap News (May 19, 2023)

**This article was translated from Korean.