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FIPA established a basic plan to create a happy life place for Jeju Hyeopjae-ri

According to Newsis,

The Jeju branch of the Korea Fisheries Infrastructure Public Agency announced on July 27 that it will start establishing a basic plan for the "Hyeopjae-ri Happy Living Place Creation Project," a 2023 general agricultural and fishing village development project in the fishing industry.

The Project was selected by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF) as the general agricultural and fishing village development project and will invest about KRW 7 billion in total project costs. The project will last for five years. Projects to expand the basic living base and strengthen regional capabilities will be carried out. It plans to carry out projects to expand the basic living infrastructure such as welfare center and community welfare housing.

In particular, the Jeju branch plans to speed up the project with the aim of getting the basic plan approved by the MOF in October by presenting basic ideas and business plans based on the regional characteristics of Hyeopjae-ri.

In addition, it will confirm and push for detailed projects with the goal of revitalizing the local community, improving the quality of life of residents, and increasing the inflow of visitors through continuous meetings with villagers, local governments, and experts.

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Source: Newsis (July 27, 2023)

** This article was translated from Korean.