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Jeju-Gyeonggi joined hands for carbon neutrality and industry development

According to Yonhap News,

Gyeonggi Province and Jeju Special Self-Governing Province have decided to establish a cooperative system in such ways as exchanging carbon neutrality policies and jointly responding to the release of radioactive water from Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant.

Gyeonggi Province Governor and Jeju Special Self-Governing Province Governor signed a win-win cooperative MOU on nine projects at the Gyeonggi Provincial Office on September 18.

The agreed nine projects are ▲ Policy exchanges on carbon neutrality·climate tech ▲ Joint response to the release of radioactive water from Japanese nuclear plant ▲ Cooperation on revitalizing the donation system for hometown ▲ Scale-Up of the bio industry utilizing natural and clean resources ▲ Joine operation of the online win-win market for agricultural products ▲ Cooperation in supply of agricultural products for school meals ▲ Cooperation on tourism branding ▲ Cooperation to foster and revitalize the horse industry ▲ Cooperation on revitalizing lifelong education and joint use of contents.

Jeju's governor said, "Jeju is making efforts to foster new industries in the energy sector, such as green hydrogen buses, and the space industry, such as the creation of a space center," adding, "Gyeonggi-do and Jeju-do need to play a role in revitalizing the economy under the current circumstances."

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Source: Yonhap News (September 18, 2023)

** This article was translated from Korean.