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Jeju in the World

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Strategic Gateway Connecting Korea and the Rest of East Asia

Please refer to the information below
  • 한반도 서남단에 위치한 대륙봉 화산섬
    • 위도 : 북위 33°11′27″~33°33′50″
    • 경도 : 동경 126°08′43″~126°58′20″
  • 태평양으로 뻗어나가는 길목 ‘제주도’
    • 북쪽으로는 대한민국의 전라남도와 경상남도
    • 동쪽으로는 남해를 사이에 둔 일본의 규슈
    • 서쪽으로는 동중국해를 사이에 둔 상하이
    • 남쪽으로는 태평양으로 뻗어나가는 길목
  • 대한민국과 아시아를 잇는 전략적 요충지
    • 서울 : 약 450km
    • 목포(전남) : 약 145km
    • 부산 : 약 268km
    • 후쿠오카(일본) : 약 330km
    • 상하이 (중국) : 500km
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  • Jeju Islandis a volcanic island that lies about 90km off the southwestern coast of the Korean peninsula and sits on the continental shelf. The latitude and longitude of Jeju stand at 33°11′27″ to 33°33′50″ north and 126°08′43″ to 126°58′20″ east, respectively.
  • Jeju Island is bordered by the Korean peninsula to the north, specifically South Jeolla Province and South Gyeongsang Province Nagasaki Prefecture, Kyushu, Japan to the east, across the South Sea and Shanghai, Zhejiang Province of China to the west, across the East China Sea, making the island the center of the three East Asian countries. In addition, it faces the Pacific Ocean to the south, serving as a strategic foothold connecting East Asia and the World.