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A Forum that Bridges the Labor, the Business, the Private, and Public Sectors will Seek the Way to Further Develop the Automotive Industry in Ulsan

According to Yonhap News,

A multi-stakeholder forum, joined by the labor, the business, private experts and the government is launched to discuss how to bring Ulsan's automotive industry a bright tomorrow.

Ulasan city holds 'The First Ulsan's Automotive Industry Forum 2023' in Hyundai Motor's Ulsan Training Center on May 15.

About 17 institutions and organizations will attend to it to promote close interactions and dialogues to swiftly respond to changes in the ecosystem of the auto industry in Ulsan.

In the forum, various agendas will be covered, including the current state of the domestic and foreign auto industries, ways to solidify competitiveness edge of Ulsan's auto industry, the impact that upcoming changes in environment and technologies have on the ecosystem and employment in the industry, and how the businesses and labor unions in this industry serve the local community.

The forum will start with its inauguration ceremony, and then presentations delivered by experts and discussion sessions will follow.

The forum is attended by Ulsan Mayor Kim Doo-gyeom, Chairman of the Ulsan City Council Ki-Hwan Kim, VP of Hyundai Motor Lee Dong-seok, Head of Hyundai Motor branch of Korean Metal Workers' Union, Ahn Hyun-ho.

"What is required to keep up with rapid changes in the automotive industry is active participation and collaboration from all stakeholders of the industry." said Ulsan Mayor Kim Doo-gyeom, and "We will make sure anyone within this industry feel free to share their ideas and the local community takes its one role in addressing any issues arising in the automotive industry."

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Source: Yonhap News (May 15, 2023)

*This article was translated from Korean.