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Ulju's Market Pioneers Took Part in Saigon International Autotech & Accessories Show 2023

According to Yonhap News,

Ulju-gun, Ulsan city and ran an exhibition booth for 10 Ulju-based SMEs which participated in Saigon International Autotech & Accessories Show 2023 from May 17 to 22.

The Vietnamese autotech show this year was the 19th event where auto companies from all around the world showcased their products, such as vehicles and auto parts.

The size of the exhibition hall amounted to 15,000㎡ and over 200 companies participated this year to introduce their vehicles, machinery & equipment, green EVs, hydrogen vehicles, materials, parts and accessories, etc.

Ulju and Ulsan Technopark planned and designed the exhibition booth to promote excellent local companies and help them to have access to markets of Southeast Asian countries.

Ulju's Market Pioneers engaged in a number of export negotiation talks worth USD 13.3 million at the Autotech show.

The participating Korean companies who sell motor oil, automation systems, or gas or hydrogen storage tanks drew much attention from buyers in logistics and local auto part companies in Vietnam.

One official of Ulsu-gun said, "We are striving to explore and capture new opportunities in the overseas markets for Ulju's medium and small sized companies by helping them participate in numerous trade exhibitions worldwide." and "We hope that the efforts we made will bear fruits that our SMEs, in the auto industry in particular, will strike export deals with their Vietnamese partners."

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Source: Yonhap News (May 22, 2023)

*This article was translated from Korean.