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World's first Methanol-powered Container Has Fueled Up on Green Methanol Bunkers on Ulsan

According to Yonhap News,

The Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries said on July 17 that the world's first green methanol bunkering operation, 1,000 metric tonnes, was successfully completed at the port of Ulsan.

Behind this achievement, lie efforts made by the MOF, including streamlining the administrative procedure and exemption from port charges, as part of its demonstration project on green fuel in port which aims to promote eco-friendly bunkering fuel.

The Ministry explained, "The Ulsan port, on its own, has worked hard, forming a task force team, comprising shipping companies, shipbuilders, tank terminal companies, green fuel manufacturers, and bunkering companies, early this year to address regulatory and administrative issues and prepare safety and preventative measures."

The vessel they bunkered the green methanol was A.P. Moller-Maersk's 2100 TEU feeder built by Hyundai Mipo Dockyard (HMD).

A.P. Moller-Maersk teamed up with HMD to build 19 green methanol powered containers and the first of them was successfully built and will start its voyage soon, sailing about 21,500 km from Ulsan through the Suez Canal and Rotterdam en route to Copenhagen.

The MOF said, "If Green methanol replace conventional marine fuels, CO2 emission generated from ocean-going vessels will reduce by 80%."

Minister of Oceans and Fisheries Cho Seung-hwan emphasized, "The MOF will spare no efforts to turn this shift from fossil fuel to green fuel in the shipping industry into a good opportunity to strengthen competitiveness of domestic ports and boost exports of our green methanol fuel."

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Source: Yonhap News (Jul. 17, 2023)

*This article was translated from Korean.