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Ulsan Companies Invested KRW 303.8 bn in Improving Environment
제목 없음

According to Yonhap News,


Companies in Ulsan invested KRW 303,887 million in improving the environment last year.


According to Ulsan City on March 22nd, 384 companies made investment of KRW 171,756 million in improving air quality, KRW 39,884 million in enhancing water quality, KRW 28,915 million in odor control, and KRW 63,332 million in other environmental sectors.


A total of 47 companies invested over KRW 1 billion.


By company, SK energy posted the investment of KRW 35,916 million in the environment, followed by the smelting factory of Korea Zinc Company (KRW 34,536 million), the Ulsan factory of Hyundai Motor Company (KRW 15,153 million), the Ulsan thermal power division of Korea East-West Power (KRW 12,353 million), and Hyundai Heavy Industries (KRW 12,339 million).


The total investment in the environment amounts to KRW 5,518.7 billion from 1995 when the study on the corporate investment in environment preservation started to last year.


This year, 279 companies plan to inject KRW 332.6 billion in the field.


As of late last year, the concentration of sulfurous acid gas was 0.008ppm/year in Ulsan, a higher level than other metropolitan cities which is because Ulsan is an industrial city. However, fine dust in the city’s atmosphere was measured at 48㎍/㎥, lower than the levels of Seoul and Busan.


Source Text


Source: Yonhap News (March 22, 2011)


**This is an English translation of a Korean news article.