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According to Yonhap News,
(JEJU=Yonhap News)
As a commemorative event for the 5th anniversary of opening, Jeju Women & Family Research Institute (JEWFRI) is to host an international forum participated by researchers from seven countries.
On September 19, it announced that it will host the international forum with a theme of "Women's Work, History, and Future in Asia" by inviting 17 national researchers from seven countries including Australia, China, Taiwan, Japan, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, and Korea at Jeju Halla University on September 25-27.
The research institute will kick off with a night of networking on September 25, followed by international seminar the next day, and Jeju Women History Culture Tour on September 27.
At the networking event on September 25, professor Kim Eun-sil of Ewha Womans University (Prescient of Asian Association of Women's Studies) will give an opening presentation with a subject "Work, Development, Gender Politics in Asia".
The research institute prepared this international forum to reflect on value of work and life of Asian women and serve as an opportunity to form an alliance for women's studies.
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** This article was translated from Korean.
Source: Yonhap News (September 19, 2019)