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"Bringing value to the abandoned fishing nets", a shared goal for upcycling

According to Newsis,

Jeju Island announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding for an up-cycling project, turning abandoned fishing nets into something valuable with Jeju Free International City Development Center(JDC) JejuSuhyup and Wemorethan on Apr.6.

The entities involved will work together to find solutions sustainable,while forming solidarity to take proactive action to keep garbage out of the ocean.

In accordance with the provisions stated in the MOU, Juju will collect fishing gear dumped into the sea and recruit resources to clean up the discarded plastic. Jeju Suhyup will be responsible for sorting in the process of repurposing. Wemorethan brings value to waste, giving a second life to the old nets to be marketable.

Lastly, JDC backs up marketing and advertising to let people learn more of marine ecosystems and environmental conservation efforts. Those interested in this project can visit JDC duty free shops and online stores from Apr. 6 selling portable pouch and travel mugs, reprocessed from the ghost nets.

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Source: Newsis (Apr. 6 , 2020)