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Hanlim-eup, Jeju Island to form the largest wind power plant of 100㎿ capacity

According to Yonhap News,

Hanlim-eup, Jeju Island appears to have the largest offshore wind farm within the Island. Jeju Island announced the approval of the project on Aug 14.

With KRW 574.1 billion in total, Jeju Hanlim Offshore Wind Co.,Ltd will establish a 100MW wind power plant (18 sets of 5.56㎿ offshore turbines) on a 5,469,687 ㎡ site near Hanlim-eup. The scale would triple the size of Tamra wind power capacity (30㎿), currently the largest in Jeju. Hanlim power plant’s 100㎿ generation is equivalent to the amount of electricity consumed by 286 residential households (per house energy use on average: 0.35㎿/ hr) in Seoul. The stakeholder plans to give an outline in preparation for the project until June 2023.

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Source: Yonhap News (Aug 18, 2020)

** This article was translated from Korean.