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Jeju Island to invest KRW 2 bln in Shinchang marina port development plan

According to Newsis,

Jeju Speical Self-Governing Province (Jeju) announced a marina development plan on Jan 25 to invest nearly KRW 2 billion into the formation of the port facility which will spread along the coast of Hankyeong-myeon. The two-year plan, part of the second phase of the nation’s marina development scheme, rolled out by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries last May, outlines ideas on transforming Shinchang-port into the hub for the tourism industry near Western coastal region in Jeju Island. The draft entails how to make better use of abandoned empty space inside Shinchang port, which has been increasingly facing demand for the improvement in its capacity and maintenance for passenger safety as rising number of boats are moored on the berths.

The provincial authorities will add 15 more vessel mooring facilities on the shore. They’ll break ground in September once a feasibility assessment study outsourced by a group of commissioned researchers comes to an end till August and put an end to the construction by the end of this year.

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Source: Newsis (Jan 25, 2021)

** This article was translated from Korean.