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Jeju Software Mirae Chaeum Center launched its service to educate technologies of Industry 4.0

According to Yonhap News,

Jeju Software Mirae Chaeum Center, a software education and HR training center to foster industry specialists in the age of the fourth industrial revolution, has opened on Apr 16. Jeju Special Self-Governing Province hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony in celebration of the launch of its service on the same day.

The center (gross area: 342.39㎡) has lecture rooms where software education courses are provided both for primary school students and for experts, online studio and a publicly accessible meeting room on the first floor of the building.

There are a variety of visitor experience zones, named ‘AI zone’ where visitors can take a look at the breakthroughs of Industry 4.0, or can test self-driving and robot technologies, immersive content like VR or XR and 3D printers on the second floor of the building.

To help narrow the digital divide, the center is planning to let students from low income families fill over half of the classes.

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Source:Yonhap News (Apr 16, 2021)

** This article was translated from Korean.