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Jeju Island’s drinking water quality test international proficiency evaluation was excellent for 3 consecutive years

According to Newsis,

The Jeju Waterworks Authority announced on August 15 that it has obtained the certification of an excellent analytical institution after being qualified for the ‘International Proficiency Testing for Drinking Water’ for the third consecutive year, hosted by Sigma Aldrich of the United States, an internationally accredited verification organization.

The international proficiency testing is an internationally accredited program in which the test analysis ability is verified by an accredited international proficiency testing institute to ensure analysis capability and transparent results of the international level.

The verification method is as follows: an unknown sample containing a certain concentration of substance is provided, which is measured and its measurement result is submitted to the verification institute. Then the internationally accredited testing institute verifies the measurement accuracy and notifies the verification result.

Researchers from the water quality inspection team participated in this year's international proficiency test in the drinking water field, in a total of 17 items, including 5 ions, 5 heavy metals, 3 organic compounds, 2 pesticides, and 2 pollutants, and all were judged as 'suitable'.

As a result, the testing and inspection capability of the Jeju Waterworks Authority has been certified for 3 years in a row, from 2019 to this year.

The water quality inspection team of the Waterworks also has participated in the domestic drinking water proficiency testing field hosted by the National Institute of Environmental Research every year and was judged ‘suitable’ in April.

The Waterworks Authority implements strict quality control, including verification for the entire water quality inspection process on a regular basis, from sampling to analysis and result reporting.

Head of the Waterworks Authority said "as an internationally accredited testing institute in the field of drinking water, we will continue to participate in domestic and foreign proficiency testing to strengthen the capabilities of researchers and improve the analysis environment."

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Source: Newsis (August 15, 2021)

** This article was translated from Korean.