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Jeju Seek Ways to Develop Space Industry at Jeju TP Forum

According to Newsis,

An upcoming event in Jeju will offer an opportunity to delve into possibilities and ways to development of space industry in the region.

The Jeju Technopark (Jeju TP) addressed that the 'Jeju Space Industry Development Forum' will be held on the 10th floor of the Jeju venture Maru on Sep. 2. The forum is hosted and organized by Jeju TP, and sponsored by Jeju Special Self-governing Province, the Ministry of SMEs and Startups, and the Ministry of Science and ICT.

The forum aims to newly utilize the environment of Jeju - known to be a wasteland when it comes to space industry - and to foster the promotion of relevant listed companies as well as startups.

Also, it parallels the key policy agenda of 'Future Mobility Aerospace Industry Leading Region Promotion' presented by Oh Young-hoon at the Jeju Provincial Office.

Taking the opportunity, Jeju TP plans to seek a vision for Jeju's space industry at the time of 'New Space' leveraging the region's strengths in terms of space information and space industrialization.

You can register for participation on the Jeju TP's website.

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Source: Newsis (August, 24, 2022)

** This article was translated from Korean.