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Jeju, KAISt, and KDC Join Hands to Drive Future Growth

According to Yonhap News,

Jeju provincial government, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), and Jeju Free International City Development Center (JDC) jointly had a dialogue on July 13 to discuss how to come up with joint projects designed to ensure prosperity in Jeju.

The gathering was joined by Jeju Province Governor Oh Young-hoon, KAIST President Lee Kwang-hyung, and JDC CEO Yang Young-chul.

They had a chance to meet with each other as President Lee Kwang-hyung visited Jeju to attend the Jeju Forum 2023.

During the dialogue, they agreed to closely work together in the research and education sectors by jointly tapping into their unique resources: KAIST's science-technology capabilities; Jeju's breathtaking natural scenery and the English education infrastructure.

After having exchanges of ideas a number of joint projects, such as theoretical study on natural science, interdisciplinary research on advanced mobility, global academic ties, they promised to be remained committed to making a better future in Jeju.

"Jeju Global Education City is the cradle of global talent. If KAIST and Jeju join hands, linking KAIST's top-talent creating system in basic science and Jeju's policy to nurture advanced industries, this province will become the most sought-after area by master's degree holders around the world.", said Governor Oh.

President Lee also said, "I am all the more grateful to work with Jeju to implement this project of global research and education, as Jeju Global Education City is well equipped with high qulity of living conditions and world-class educational infrastructures." and he added, "If we utilize major industiries in the region while tapping into scientific technologies that KAIST has together, Jeju will turn itself into a global reseearch and education hub."

CEO Yang emphasized, "We will create new region-specific models of scientific and advanced technologies in Jeju through the joint project among KAIST, Jeju and JDC. Our collaboration will lead to enhanced competitiveness and stronger growth on this island."

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Source: Yonhap News (Jul. 13, 2023)

**This article was translated from Korean.