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The 46th KCCI Jeju Forum Opens to "Navigate the Future for Business in The Area of Great Transition"

According to Newsis,

Business leaders gathered together in Jeju to seek new driving forces of our economy against the backdrop of the great transition caused by a series of factors like climate change, advent of AI and the Sino-US rivarlry.

Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) hosted the 46th KCCI Jeju Forum, which will run for 4 days from July 12 to 15, at Haevichi Hotel & Resort.

First held in 1974, it is the first and the biggest summer economic forum across the nation.

The first-day event began with a speech on 'the state eoconomic policy' and its direction' made by Choo Kyung-ho, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance who explained how to secure strong economic recovery and growth by accurately understanding where it stands now, with the government economic policy in the second half of this year.

He also suggested valuable insights on how to respond to paradigm shifts surrounding domestic companies.

Han Wha-jin, Minister of Environment, will elaborate on 'the state environment policy' to turn the climate-change-induced pressure to reduce greenhouse gas into an opportunity to pursue green growth on July 13.

On the same day, Lee Kwang-hyung President of KAIST and Sung Kim, an associate professor at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology are going to share their perspectives on what implications will be made by AI, the flow of great change, on the Korean society and how to gear up for it.

Governor Lee Chang-yong at the Bank of Korea is going to talk about the current global economic trends and how businesses can navigate them, which will be followed by a presentation on how to be the front-runner amid the global reshuffling of economic hegemony by Kim Tai-yoo, Professor Emeritus at Seoul National University.

This year a new session tilted 'Business Talk Show' is added which will be led by Chairman Chey Tae-won of the KCCI. Among panelists, Park Seong-hyun, CEO of Rebellions and Kim Young-hoon, CEO of University Tomorrow will exchange ideas about 'how Korean businesses prepare for the future in the era of great transition', with Professor Song Jae-young at Seoul National University as a moderator.

On the last day of the forum, Han Dong-hoon, Minister of Justice will give a speech on 'the role of businesses and justice administration in leading economic growth', and apparel company F&F Group chairman Kim Chang-soo will share his success story.

"The 46th KCCI Jeju Forum this year is filled with various speeches and presentations by experts from all walks of life and many different sessions to make this forum much colorful and richer.

As the forum is set to ensure business leaders become more agile to respond to global shifts, I look forward to meaningful and rewarding time for all the attendees.", said KCCI Vice Chairman Woo Tae-hee.

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Source: Newsis (Jul. 12, 2023)

** This article was translated from Korean.