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Jeju, Organized Task Force for ‘New7Wonders of Nature’
제목 없음

According to Yonhap News,


Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea said on January 24th that it will form a task force to support Jeju Province’s bid to be selected as one of ‘New7Wonders of Nature.’ Jeju Province has also been added to the UNESCO World Natural Heritage.


Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea said “if Jeju is chosen as one of ‘New7Wonders of Nature,’ it will improve Korea’s national brand value thanks to the image of eco-friendly country; help Jeju gain a reputation as a global tourist attraction; and attract foreign tourists.”


Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea added “we will spare no efforts to get Jeju selected by exerting our capabilities and know-how in the natural heritage sector.”


To this end, the Administration plans to form a task force centering on six relevant departments within the Administration, and promote Jeju’s attractiveness as a treasure house of natural heritage and reasons why Jeju should be selected.


Jeju Province has 8.9% or 36 out of 404 natural monuments of Korea, and is the only place in the world to be designated as all the three of World Natural Heritage, Biosphere Reserve, and World Geo Park.


The World Heritage Committee said “Jeju has very unique and beautiful natural environment, surprising even experts, it has high aesthetic value as well as great geologic value with its volcanic activities,” in 2007 when Jeju was designated as World Natural Heritage.


‘New7Wonders of Nature’ has been initiated by the Swiss-based New7Wonders Foundation, and is a large-scale project to select seven places with the vote from around the world.


Source Text


Source: Yonhap News (Jan. 24, 2011)


**This is an English translation of a Korean news article.