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The Number of Chinese Visitors to Jeju to top 1 million
제목 없음

According to Yonhap News,


The number of Chinese tourists visiting Jeju is expected to surpass 1 million.

As of November 12, the number of Chinese visitors to Jeju recorded 996,457, which almost doubled from the previous year's 498,139.


Currently, 3,500 Chinese people on average visit Jeju a day.

The number of Chinese tourists to Jeju has shown the dramatic increase with 142,000 in 2006, 258,000 in 2009 and 570,000 in 2011.


The rapidly rising number of Chinese tourists seems to be attributable to the improving accessibility to Jeju due to newly-opened flights between the island and China's 26 cities including Tianjin, Hebei, Wenzhou and Fuzhou and increasing cruise ships.

In addition, Jeju's aggressive efforts to promote its tourist attractions by building additional Jeju tour promotion offices in four cities including Guangzhou and Shenyang also seem to contribute to the increasing number of Chinese tourists.

Jeju was selected as the best honeymoon destination and the best overseas eco-friendly tourist attraction this year by China's Travel Weekly and Southern Metropolis Daily, respectively. In 2010, the Global Times chose Jeju as the most favored island travel attraction by Chinese people along Hawaii and Maldives.

Source Text

Source: Yonhap News (Nov. 13, 2012)

** This is the translation of a Korean article.