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Government to Build Medical Town in Jeju

A medical town, which combines medical service with tourism, will open in Jeju in 2018.

At the 4th Global Healthcare Medical Tourism Conference ? Jeju Session, the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI) jointly introduced a stay-type comprehensive medical town, where foreign patients can enjoy cutting-edge medical service and leisure. The number of foreign patients who visited Korea last year increased 27.3 percent year-on-year to 155,672. They spent KRW 239.1 billion on medical treatment and KRW 39.4 billion on tourism last year.

At the conference, the Cheju Halla General Hospital introduced the Medical Resort WE Hotel, which is equipped with accommodations and medical facilities for cosmetic surgery, physical examination, postnatal care, rehabilitation, and more.

“We plan to run a medical resort that provides patients with professional medical service and comfortable leisure experience,” said an official from the Cheju Halla General Hospital.

The Jeju Free International City Development Center plans to attract various hospitals to a 1,089,000㎡ site, expecting to generate jobs and KRW 440 billion in profit.

Source Text

Source: Yonhap News (Apr. 11, 2013)

** This article was translated from the Korean.