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Jeju Forum Begins May 29

The 8th Jeju Forum began Wednesday under the theme of New Waves in Asia.

The forum, held in Haevichi hotel & resort in Jeju until May 31 is expected to draw around 3,000 Korean politicians, entrepreneurs, experts and residents.

As of Wednesday, total 3,057 attendees have registered including 441 foreigners from 49 countries. Registered foreigners are 211 Chinese; 77 Japanese; 43 Americans; 19 Malaysians; and 61 others.

Prime Minister of Korea Jung Hong-won, investment expert Jim Rogers, President of International Federation of Business and Professional Women Freda Miriklis, Former Prime Minister of Japan Hatoyama Yukio and Former Prime Minister of Korea Han Seung-soo attend the forum.

Prime Minister Jung made the opening remarks and President and CEO of Duke Energy Jim Rogers will speak for a special session on May 31.

The forum which 23 agencies participated in holds 52 sessions on various agenda items and difficulties Asia faces.

Source Text

Source: Newsis (May 29, 2013)

** This article was translated from the Korean.