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Jeju Ranked 22nd in the World

Jeju Tourism and Convention Bureau announced last Sunday that Jeju was ranked 22nd, 8th and 2nd in the world, in Asia and in Korea respectively in a ranking for best cities to hold international meetings according to the Union International Associations (UIA).

It was the highest for Jeju as it moved up four and two stairs up in the world and in Asia. Jeju was ranked 26th in the world, 10th in Asia and 3rd in Korea in last year.

In most recent ranking, Singapore was ranked the 1st in the world followed by Brussels, Vienna, Paris and Seoul. In Asia, Singapore ranked top with Seoul, Tokyo, Kuala Lumpur and Kyoto respectively.

UIA defines international meetings as meetings hosted or sponsored by international organizations with more than 50 attendees or hosted by domestic organizations or domestic branches of international organizations with more than 300 attendees, participation rates of foreigners over 40 percent, more than five participating countries and for more than three days.

Jeju is keeping its momentum to be ranked in top 30 in the world and top 10 in Asia for consecutive four years despite dramatic growth and development of MICE industries of Asian countries and cities.

Source Text

Source: Newsis (June 9, 2013)

** This article was translated from the Korean.