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ADLOMICO Opens on June 26 in Jeju

The Supreme Prosecutors’ Office will hold the 23rd Anti-Drug Liaison Officials’ Meeting for International Cooperation (ADLOMICO) in Jeju this week.

About 140 officials from 20 Asia Pacific and European countries and four international organizations including the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime will attend the meeting.

Director of the Central Asian Regional Information and Coordination Centre will also participate in the meeting to discuss a memorandum of understanding for cooperation with the Asia-Pacific Information Coordination for Combating Drug Crimes (APICC) to control illegal trafficking of drugs and raw materials.

Global trends in drugs, measures to suspend supply and demand of drugs and raw materials and strengthening global cooperation for joint investigation will be discussed.

Persecutor-general Chae Dong-wook will introduce a case of capturing a China-based global criminal organization producing and selling Philopon to emphasize the importance of global cooperation at his opening speech.

ADLOMICO is an international meeting, which was first held in 1990, hosted by the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office of Korea to respond to global drug crimes effectively and strengthen global investigation system. High-level officials in international organization and those in related agencies of Korea are major attendees.

Ten Asian countries, seven Asia Pacific countries, 14 countries from other regions and 7 international organizations are participants of the meeting.

APICC was established in September 2012 for global cooperation against drug crimes, information sharing and support for the fight against drugs. Its office is located in the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office.

An insider of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office noted that the meeting will help to build a joint defense system against drugs in Asia Pacific region, and enhance joint investigation between APICC member countries.

He also added that supporting the fight against drugs in developing Asian countries will aid countries near to the Golden Triangle, the region known for drug production and distribution, to control and fight drugs, which will in turn prevent drugs to enter Korea.

Source Text

Source: Newsis (June 24, 2013)

** This article was translated from the Korean.