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More than 13 Mn Sports Tourists Flock to Jeju

According to Yonhap News,

(JEJU = Yonhap News) Jeju-do has seen more than 13 million sports tourists last year, and tourists are expected to have brought in more than KRW 723 billion to the southern island.

According to the analysis on the trends of sports tourists by the Jeju government, the island attracted 1.101 million golf tourists, 134,300 tourists for 89 national and international sports events and 70,600 of 3,413 sports teams for off-season training session, up by 20,000 from a year earlier.

Golf tourists are expected to have brought in about KRW 522.9 billion. The figure rose by 1.7 percent compared with the same period last year.

13 international and 76 national sports events held in Jeju contributed about KRW 127.7 billion to the local economy, up by 21 percent from last year.

Jeju also gained KRW 72.5 billion from attracting sports teams for off-season training session, up by 5.8 percent from 2013.

The province believes wonderful natural environment, warm climate and various sports facilities such as multi-purpose gymnasium are key factors to vitalize the sports tourism in Jeju.

This year, Jeju expects to attract 1.15 million of golf tourists, 108 of sports events with 160,000 visitors, and 70,000 athletes of sports teams for off-season training session, and it is likely to reel in KRW 770 billion for the local economy.

The province aims to foster golf and horse riding competitions, provide discounted flight and shipping fare and offer free entrance to sports stadiums and tourist attractions.

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Source Text

Source: Yonhap News (Jan. 23, 2014)

** This article was translated from the Korean.