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A win-win corporate partnership program will be launched in Jeju

A cooperative program between foreign investment companies in Jeju island and island residents will be launched to seek better coexistence between the two.

Since foreign investment rose greatly in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province in 2010, coexistence between these businesses and the local islanders became a major issue. The province therefore selected ‘cooperative coexistence program’ as this year’s demonstration program and laid out its details through stakeholder meeting on June 15.

The province aims to set up coexistence measures between foreign investment corporations and local corporations in Jeju, as well as job creating measures.

This program aims to give promising local companies in Jeju joint investment opportunities with foreign corporations. So far, 10 local companies submitted their proposals.

The Jeju province will provide making of investment brochures, along with help with marketing activities. It will team up with KOTRA to provide systematic support to meet the corporations’ needs

The foreign investment companies in the province are expected to start recruiting after 2017. In partnership with talents nurturing program offered by the Jeju Globalization Scholarship Foundation, internship programs will also be run to secure talented workforce in advance.

Source Text

Source: Newsis (May. 15, 2014)

** This article was translated from the Korean.