
KOTRA's Services


Did you know?

Find an easier and cheaper way to import quality products
from Korea through KOTRA’s FTA Support Center!

  • About KOTRA’s FTA Support Center

       To help global buyers take full advantage of Korea’s free trade agreements, KOTRA has nine FTA Support Centers—seven in China (Beijing, Shanghai, Qingdao, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Dalian, Tianjin) and two in Vietnam (Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh). We plan to launch two more in Bogota, Colombia in June and Jakarta, Indonesia in September 2017. The new centers will support companies in their utilization of the Korea-Colombia FTA and the Korea-ASEAN FTA.

    FTA, a gateway to success

       FTA reduces tariffs and enhances the price competitiveness of your products. It also opens up the service market and contributes to trade facilitation, dramatically improving business environments in FTA

  • partner countries. Factoring in the impact of FTAs is now mandatory, and not an option, in formulating your business strategies. Let KOTRA be a reliable partner connecting you to Korea’s FTA network.

    KOTRA’s full-fledged support

       KOTRA’s FTA Support Center provides counseling services not only for Korean companies but also for local buyers to help you tackle non-tariff barriers and make the most of Korea’s free trade agreements. We offer a full range of support, from issuing a certificate of origin to addressing any grievances in the customs and certification procedures. You can also apply for seminars and on-site counseling services. Please feel free to contact a center near you for further information.
