
KOTRA's Services

Did you know?

KOTRA offers you a quick and easy way to buy Korean products!

buyKOREA is the fastest way to view products and make online transactions with Korean suppliers. You can make payments with the KOTRA Online Payment Service (KOPS), an easy-to-use, secure online payment service that enables non- Korean buyers to pay with their credit card (Visa, Mastercard, JCB). This means you can save time since you won’t have to go through the hassle of making offline transactions. Realtime shipping status of your package is also available on the buyKOREA website once the seller has shipped the product through the Express Mail Service (EMS).

For more information, check out buyKOREA.org.

  • What are
    the benefits of KOPS?
  • 1) Securely receive ordered product from Korean exporters
  • 2) Saves time as you won't have to go to the bank in person
  • 3) Enables buyer to enjoy 30-day credit granted by credit card issuer

How to use KOPS
