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Busan to Develop “Smart Green City"

(BUSAN = Newsis) The city of Busan announced that it has set the development of a “ubiquitous-based Smart Green City” as the city’s policy objective of informatization this year and will establish and promote its Busan informatization initiative for 2014.

To increase the efficiency of the project, the city will present its plan for consideration to the city’s informatization committee, which comprises experts from the various academic, institutional and government backgrounds.

The city subdivided the “4th basic plan for promoting informatization” into six different fields, including the development of the U-City and informatization of the city’s infrastructure, and established detailed plans for 84 business projects including the development of the ATMS and comprehensive wastewater management system.

The city plans to invest KRW 65.9 billion in the project.

The development of the national land planning system and comprehensive wastewater management system are expected to account for about 45.65 percent of the entire investment.

Other projects include: ▲ development of the U-City (22.13 percent) ▲ industrial informatization (18.23 percent) ▲ administration informatization (6.75 percent).

About 62.49 percent of the total investment will be allocated to the continuing operations. The investment in the new projects is expected to be relatively low, about 37.51 percent of the total investment.

“A supplementary budget will be allocated later for open public data project and ubiquitous-based urban regeneration project, which were not included in the initiative,” said a city official.

Source Text

Source: Newsis (Feb. 19, 2014)

** This article was translated from the Korean.