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Busan-si selected 90 leading companies for nine strategic industries

According to Yonhap News,

On January 26, the Busan Metropolitan Government announced that it has selected 90 leading companies, expected to lead the nine strategic industries that conform to local characteristics.

The nine strategic industries include digital technology, future mobility, energy technology, convergence parts and materials, bio health, lifestyle, cultural tourism, marine, and finance industries.

The city selected 90 leading companies based on its objectives such as strengthening urban infrastructure, advancement of industrial structure, and strategic development of future industries.

As a result, the number of companies certified as leading companies has increased to 281.

Those certified as leading companies will receive support in more than 30 linked projects over three years, including preferential treatment for funding loans and guarantees, special guarantees, SME operating funds, commercialization and certifications of prototypes, and domestic and international marketing.

The city also plans to support growth ladder policies including hidden champions, global small giants, and world classes to help leading companies grow into global companies.

Busan's Mayor Park will present certificates to leading companies for the strategic industries at Westin Chosun Busan today.

An official from Busan's metropolitan government said, "We plan to foster nine strategic industries to create quality jobs, promote digital transformation, and push for the creation of a new industrial ecosystem in the future, and build regional economic innovation capabilities to lay the foundation to become a global hub city."
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Source: Yonhap News (January 26, 2024)

** This article was translated from Korean.