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East Busan Tourism Complex

East Busan view

East Busan Tourism Complex

A premium marine recreational complex for year-round stay/p>

  • Location : Gijang-eup, Gijang-gun, Busan City
  • Area : 3.66k㎡
  • Facilities : cinema theme park, sports/recreational facilities, shops, etc.
  • Investment : KRW 1.1266 trillion (excluding investment from the private sector)
  • Period : 2005 ~ 2017

Busan is a city of tourism and business, attracting some 3 million visitors from abroad in 2014. The city is located close by a market of 10 million customers, less than 2 hours' drive from the city.
The Complex will be a comprehensive tourist and leisure zone situated near the downtown areas of the East Busan region, which are emerging as the new downtown areas of the city.

Zone1 - Urban Leisure Zone, Zone2 - Theme Park Zone, Zone3 - Beach Zone,Zone4 - Leisure Sports Zone

  • Urban Leisure Zone: shopping mall, water park, hotel, etc. / leisure and entertainment zone enhancing the quality of city life
  • Theme Park Zone: cinema theme park, national science museum, etc. / realization of the zone's core themes
  • Beach Zone: Medical town, silver town, etc. / fulfillment of citizens' revitalization / relaxation needs, set in superb coastal scenery
  • Leisure Sports Zone: Golf range, sports center, recreational facilities, condominium, etc. / reflecting the need for high-end sports facilities
Real Estate Investment Immigration System

Permanent resident status is granted to foreigners investing more than KRW 500 million in the recreational facilities of the East Busan Tourism Complex.

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