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Standard Factory Tenant Recruitment Announcement for Masan Free Trade Zone

Masan Free Trade Zone Office No. 2019 - 5

We hereby announce the recruitment of tenants for the remaining areas in wings 1, 2, 5, and 7 of standard factory in Masan Free Trade Zone.

September 4, 2019

Director, Masan Free Trade Zone Office

□Standard Factory Wing 1, 2, 5, 7 Summary

ㅇ Location: 177, Jayumuyeok 3-gil, Masanhoewon-gu, Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, Republic of Korea (Wing 1), 193 (Wing 2), 184 (Wing 5), 180 (Wing 7)
ㅇ Leasable area: About 36,000㎡
ㅇ Implementer (authorized administrator): Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy (Administrator of Masan Free Trade Zone Office)

□ Size and Lease Amount

Area(㎡) Monthly lease
*VAT excluded
Floor height
Wing 1 Wing 2 Wing 5 Wing 7
1F Complete Complete Complete 2,261 (Wing 1)

(Wing 2)

(Wing 5)

(Wing 7)
6.0 1.8 < Wing 1,2>
4 ton x 2
5 ton x 2
*Passenger x 4

<Wing 5,7>
5 ton x 2
*Passenger x 2
2F Complete Complete Complete Complete 6.0 1.5
3F Complete Complete 2,529 2,387 4.8 1.2
4F 4,144 Complete 2,529 2,387 4.8 1.2
5F 1,042 Complete 2,529 2,387 4.8 1.0
6F 2,072 2,072 2,529 2,387 4.8 1.0
7F - Complete 2,529 2,387 4.8 1.0

※ Lease area: Exclusive use space+Common use space〔Common space ratio: (Wing 1, 2) about 21%, (Wing 5) about 28%, (Wing 7) about 18%)〕 Minimum lease area 1,000㎡ or more (recommended)
※ Deposit:Monthly lease × 6
※ Above lease is applied until ’21.7.31 in accordance with Notice No. 2019-478 (‘19.8.5) by Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

□ Candidates

ㅇ Manufacturing business with the primary purpose of export that has over 1,000 dollars of annual exports per unit area (㎡)
ㅇ Business that has been selected as U-turn firm that maintained over 30% of export against total sales, excluding the export to Korea, for over 1 year before returning to Korea (Based on SME)
ㅇ Foreign-invested manufacturing business with the primary purpose of export (over 30% of export against total sales )
ㅇ Newly established foreign-invested business with over $500,000 foreign investment
  - In this case, the export ratio of 30% needs to be satisfied within 3 years from the date of tenancy agreement
※ Relevant regulation: Chapter 10 Article 1, Article 1-2 and Article 2 of 「Act on Designation and Management of Free Trade Zones」 and Chapter 7 Article 7 Clause 1, 2, 3 of Enforcement Degree of the said law
※ Anyone that corresponds to the disqualification in Article 12 of 「Act on Designation and Management of Free Trade Zones」 may not apply

▶ Business with the primary purpose of export: SME with 30% export against the total sales in the last 3 years (40% for mid-sized company, 50% for large corporates), which has been maintained for over 1 year
▶ Foreign-invested company: Foreign investment amount that satisfies the foreign investment criteria according to Article 2 Clause 2 of 「Enforcement Degree of the Foreign Investment Promotion Act」
▶ Calculation formula for the export per unit area: Average export performance in the last 2 years (‘17~’18) / Total factory area

□ Restricted Type of Business

ㅇAgricultural product manufacturing business, etc. according to Article 10 of 「Act on Designation and Management of Free Trade Zones」
ㅇ Pollution-generating business (noise, vibration, atmosphere, wastewater, waste, etc.)

□ Additional Point Criteria

ㅇ Business with over 2,500 USD annual export per unit area (㎡)
ㅇ Foreign-invested business with the primary purpose of export meeting following criteria (over 30% export ratio against total sales):
①Over 5 million USD foreign investment, or ②Over 1 million USD foreign investment and 1,000 USD foreign investment per desired area (㎡)
* Newly established foreign-invested business must satisfy the 30% export ratio within 3 years from the date of tenancy agreement
ㅇ Business that applies to the new growth engine industry that is imperative to the advancement of Korean industrial structure and reinforcement of international competitiveness according to Article 121-1 Clause 1-1 of 「Restriction of Special Taxation Act」 (Ministry of Economy and Finance approval).

(Relevant regulation : Article 11 Clause 2 of 「Act on Designation and Management of Free Trade Zones」)

□ Tenancy Application

ㅇ Application period: ‘19.9.9 (Mon) ~ 19.10.17 (Thu.)
ㅇ Submit to: Division of Export Industry, Masan Free Trade Zone Office (3F)
* Contact : 055) 294-2666, 2669, 9616 FAX : 055) 294-9614
* Application can be downloaded at the Office's website(

< For more details, refer to the attachment >
