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First 2 Companies to Invest in Chungju's 5th Industrial Complex

According to Yonhap News,

(CHUNGJU=Yonhap News) The 5th General Industrial Complex in Chungju, North Chungcheong, will be greeting its first two tenant companies.

On July 4, the city of Chungju signed investment agreements worth KRW 19.8 billion with Rebis Inc. and MJ Air.

Piezoelectric ceramic coating maker Rebis Inc. will invest KRW 4.3 billion until 2021 to build a factory on a lot spanning 5,101 square meters in the 5th Industrial Complex.

Aerosol (spray) product manufacturing company MJ Air will invest KRW 15.5 billion until 2020 to build new production facilities across a 8,444 square meter site.

Located in Yongtan-dong, Chungju's 5th industrial complex covers a total of 295,478 square meters, of which 204,121 has been set aside for industrial facilities.

The city had made a public announcement earlier that the site will be leased at KRW 670,000 per every 3.3 square meters.

It's close proximity to the city center, and connection to the first four industrial complexes give the new location the geographic advantage of being at the heart of an advanced industry cluster, the city explained.

5th General Industrial Complex in Chungju

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Source: Yonhap News (Jul. 4, 2017)

** This article was translated from the Korean.