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The mayor of Chungbuk province held IR in Seoul to attract investment

According to Yonhap News,

(CHEONGJU=Yonhap News) The mayor of Chungbuk-do held a Investors Reltaions (IR) session with capital area-based business people in Seoul on April 10.

The session was attended by 500 participants including representatives of SMEs who are members of Mainbiz Association.

Chungbuk-do has attracted 344.3 billion won investment from 20 members of the Association since 2014, generating 1,663 jobs.

The mayor appealed to participants saying "invest in the center of GangHo line (Gangwon-Chungcheong-Honam)," suggesting a vision of connecting Osong, Cheongju to the Eurasian continent.

He insisted that "those who make aggressive investment in tough times make a big success," adding that "we promise administrative support to help you yield results from your investment in Chungbuk."

Chungbuk-do plans to induce transfer of a company or investment through small-group IRs with these business people.

Following the IR, the province signed an agreement with Shinwoo Costec (Boeun Industrial Complex) and Greencross Medical Science (Chungbuk Innovation City) which will invest KRW 126 billion.

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** This article was translated from Korean.

Source: Yonhap News (April 10, 2019)