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Chungju Strives to Attract Investment and Tourists from China’s Dalian

(CHUNGJU=NEWSIS) Chungju City is putting efforts into attracting investment and tourists from Dalian, the leading tourist destination in North China.

Chungju plans to attract 10 million tourists by promoting economic, cultural and tourism exchange cooperation with Dalian and encouraging more Chinese tourists to visit the city.

According to Chungju on December 12, a Chinese delegation visited Chungju to look around the environment and development projects.

The Chinese delegation visited the Chungju Tangeum Lake International Rowing Center, Chungju World Martial Park and Suanbo Sajo Resort.

They praised the city to have a great potential for development with its water sources and infrastructure including the Tangeum Lake, Suanbo Hotspring and a ski resort.

"We hope the visit from the Chinese delegation will help to promote investment between Chungju and Dalian. We will do our utmost to make Chungju a city of 10 million tourists," said a city official.

Source Text

Source: Newsis (December. 12, 2014)

** This article was translated from the Korean.