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Cheongju Strives to Attract Investment in Regional Industrial Complexes

(CHEONGJU=NEWSIS) Cheongju City announced January 8 that it is striving to attract investment in the Cheongju Technopolis, Oksan Industrial Complex and 3rd Ochang Industrial Complex.

The city, which has set the target investment to KRW 3 trillion, is doing its utmost to attract companies and promote its industrial complexes.

The Cheongju Technopolis announced the pre-sale of its 49,3983 ㎡ of land in March, 2014 and signed land purchase agreement with 11 companies in the first half of the year.

The Oksan Industrial Complex, which began its pre-sale in March, 2011, has signed land purchase agreement with 43 companies.

The 3rd Ochang Industrial Complex announced the pre-sale of its 11 lots (30,1525 ㎡) in 2014 and two lots have been sold.

The city expects that inquiries about small-scale lots will continue while large-scale lots will not be so popular due to the weak domestic demand and lack of investors’ confidence.

Source Text

Source: Newsis (January. 08, 2015)

** This article was translated from the Korean.