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North Chungcheong Province Holds Cosmetics & Beauty EXPO in Osong

According to Yonhap News,

(CHEONGJU=Yonhap News) North Chungcheong Province will hold a business-to-business (B2B) style cosmetics and beauty industrial EXPO in Osong from October 4 to 6.

The province will make the EXPO an annual event from this year, but plans to develop the event into an international one in 2018 by receiving an approval from the government.

According to North Chungcheong Province on January 14, a B&B EXPO Team has been established in the Bio-environment Bureau to promote the event.

The team will attract 100 companies including 10 foreign companies and invite 200 foreign buyers for the EXPO.

This year’s EXPO will focus on inviting buyers, providing trade counseling, selling products and holding academic events.

The province will support small- and medium-sized cosmetic companies to enter overseas markets and expand export.

"We will create Osong the mecca of the global beauty by hosting successful cosmetics and beauty EXPO and establishing a functional cosmetics center," said a provincial official.

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Source: Yonhap News (January. 14, 2015)

** This article was translated from the Korean.