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Inje to Operate Visiting Toy Library Service

According to Yonhap News,

Inje-gun, Gangwon revealed that Visiting Toy Library Service is to be launched on Jan. 3, 2023. First initiated this January, the Toy Library has gained attention with its KRW 20,000 annual membership fee, and the rental service of as many as 600 toys. However, there were differences in the number of library users by region.

In terms of the number of users, Inje showed the highest of 174, while Buk-myeon recorded 52, Nam-myeon 22, Girin-myeon 24, Seowha-myeon 18, and Sangnam-myeon 7 by the end of November. This demonstrates that the farther the library location is, the lower a rate of people using library services.

If you pick any toy items on the website, then a worker delivers them to each household and collects them again on the return date. And hence, people living far from the urban area of Inje, are able to use the service with no difficulties.

An Inje official mentioned, "we will find more various policies that can shed burdens of upbringing to make Inje a good city to raise kids."

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Source: Yonhap News (Dec. 22, 2022)

**This article was translated from Korean.