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Sewon to expand factory in become a leading sunroof company for automobiles

According to Yonhap News,

Sewon, a producer of filters, such as oil and air filters for automobiles, will expand its plant in Wonju to prepare a foothold to grow into a leading sunroof company for automobiles.

Gangwon State and Wonju-si signed an investment agreement with Sewon for expansion of the factory on September 14 at the City Hall.

Sewon has its headquarters, factories, and research center in the Wonju Taejang Agricultural and Industrial Complex, mainly developing and producing filters for automobiles.

Sewon has decided to make new investment in the sunroof industry in keeping with trends among the youth such as camping, and plans to invest KRW 5.5 billion on a 3,275㎡ site in the Taejang Agricultural and Industrial Complex and expand a sunroof manufacturing plant for automobiles by 2024.

When the investment is completed, it is expected to stimulate development of the auto parts industry in Wonju as well as employing 21 workers.

Wonju Mayor said, "this investment proves that the auto parts industry in Wonju keeps making progress," adding, "We will spare no administrative and financial support to help Sewon become a leading company in the eco-friendly automobile industry."
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Source: Yonhap News (September 14, 2023)