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Gangwon State, KOMIPO, Samyang Roundsquare joined hands to revitalize the wind power industry

According to Yonhap News,

On October 11, Gangwon State signed an agreement with Korea Midland Power (KOMIPO) and Samyang Roundsquare (formerly Samyang Food Group) on revitalization of the wind industry and expansion of renewable energy supply at the provincial government office.

The state, KOMIPO, and Samyang Roundsquare pledged to cooperate in fostering professionals related to the wind industry, participating in and supporting carbon neutrality policies, and revitalizing the local economy.

In particular, this project will be implemented as a participatory project for local residents around the wind farm to share profits with the residents.

In the case of the recently completed Taebaek Gadeoksan Wind Power Complex, 226 residents have invested KRW 2.7 billion, making 11% of fixed interest income for 20 years.

The KOMIPO, which operates 89 wind power facilities in seven regions across the country, will play a central role in the wind farm development project, while Samyang Roundsquare will actively invest to revitalize the wind industry.

The state will provide supports in the training of wind industry professionals and fostering related companies.

The site for the wind power plant and the scale of the project will be hammered out going forward.
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Source: Yonhap News (October 11, 2023)