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Chuncheon support youth startups actively....customized support for 40 companies this year

According to Yonhap News,

In Chuncheon, Gangwon State, support for youth start-ups is actively carried out based on start-up-focused university program.

The program, initiated by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups (MSS), selects start-up-focused universities in each region to promote local youth start-ups and support step-by-step commercialization.

On October 21, Chuncheon-si said that it selected Kangwon National University as a start-up-focused university and has been carrying out the program, jointly with Gangwon State and Samcheok-si.

The program, which put into KRW 40.5 billion over five years (2022-2026), with the goal of generating 100 university startups.

This year, the MSS selected 40 start-up companies (preliminary) located in Chuncheon.

It's an increase of four companies from 36 last year.

Selected companies will be provided with customized programs such as commercialization funds necessary for product development and education, investment promotion, and consultation (mentoring) to improve their capabilities, taking into account their demand.

An official from Chuncheon-si said, "we will continue to systematize cooperation with local universities," adding, "We will support an environment where local young people can start their own businesses".
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Source: Yonhap News (October 18, 2023)

** This article was translated from Korean.