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Location Report
Promoting innovative growth is
critical for sustainable growth
of a country and is closely connected with its industrial and
economic competitiveness. The fact that
nations around the world race to become
the leader in the Fourth Industrial Revolution further proves that innovative
growth, especially in science and technology, stands as one of the core agendas
of major nations across the globe today.
On June 10th, South Korea’s Ministry of
Trade, Industry and Energy announced a
follow-up to the Special Act on Balanced
National Development, which will materialize the development and operations
of the National Innovation Cluster. Although the National Innovation Cluster
is a recent project pursued by the government, the country’s efforts in fostering
science and technology innovation dates
back to the 1970s with the Daedeok Special Zone for Research and Development.
Located 164 kilometers south of Seoul,
Daejeon is South Korea’s fifth-largest metropolis. It has emerged as the science
hub of South Korea, home to numerous
science-related institutes and research
centers such as the Institute for Basic
Science (IBS) and Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST).
Against this backdrop, Daejeon hosted
OECD Science Summit (World Science
& Technology Forum) in 2015.
In the northern part of Daejeon is the
famous Daedeok Research Complex/
Special Zone for Research and Development. Daedeok Research Complex was
established in 1973 in a bid to develop
science technology that would support
the growth of the heavy chemicals industry. After designating Daedeok as a
research base, many research institutes as
well as science centers started to form a
cluster in Daejeon and naturally, more infrastructure sprouted out around the area.
Though the primary focus of Daedeok
Research Complex was research and
education, “Daedeok Valley” was established in 2000 in recognizing the need to
connect pure research with industry and
commerce. In 2005, Daedeok Research
Complex was re-established as Daedeok
Special Zone for Research and Development, further connecting science with
industries. In just six years after its re-establishment, the special zone had doubled its number of residing companies
and its revenue had grown eight times
greater. To accelerate the growth of such
complexes thus propelling South Korea’s
science technology capabilities, Daedeok
was selected as the site for the “science-business belt” project launched under former President Lee Myung-bak in
2011. Since then, the cluster has proved
to be one of the main innovation clusters
in the nation.
While Daedeok Special Zone for Research and Development has been the
main actor in South Korea’s R&D sector,
the arrival of the Fourth Industrial Revolution prompted the government to focus
more on innovation. Currently, the government is investing heavily on fostering
startups and new growth industries such
as IoT, FinTech and ICT. The National Innovation Cluster is expected to not only
boost innovation industries but also promote balanced development throughout
the country.
The National Innovation Cluster will
connect key regional entities including
innovative cities, industrial complexes,
special R&D zones and universities. The
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
(MOTIE) set the goal for each cluster
to attract 150 businesses. To this end,
MOTIE vowed to provide incentives for
businesses that invest in the National Innovation Cluster including financial aid,
subsidies, tax exemption, regulatory exemption and innovation projects.
A cluster will be designated in each
of the 14 cities and provinces of South
Korea excluding the capital, Seoul. Each
cluster will be associated with a specific
industry, as seen on the map.
To ensure innovative growth in each
cluster, the Regional Innovation Council,
comprised of 20 specialists from various
fields, will be created to come up with and
efficiently carry out innovative projects.
In addition, the Presidential Committee
for Balanced National Development will
restructure the current Regional Development Investment Agreement that is
run by MOTIE. The Regional Development Investment Agreement is a system
in which local governments subsidize
budgets to ensure the stable implementation of pending regional projects in
the span of several years. The committee
and the newly formed agreement will facilitate more departments to utilize the
agreement. Even though the development of the National Innovation Cluster is only in its early stages, there is no
doubt that these efforts will indeed result
in a more balanced growth; a growth that
will maximize cooperation and the potential of various regions in South Korea