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Korean Workers and Environment Capture Investors

- KOTRA holds press conference on foreign direct investment with foreign media in Korea and global companies

- Troubled Asian emerging countries will have limited impact on Korea


Four global companies operating successfully in Korea named outstanding workers and an innovative environment as Korea’s advantages.

Invest KOREA, part of the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA) - held a press conference Wednesday with 25 foreign reporters. GE Healthcare, Solvay and other global companies presented their success cases in Korea to promote the country’s excellence as an investment destination.

Andre Nothomb, Chief Financial Officer of Solvay Korea’s Special Chemicals Global Business Unit, noted that the unit relocated to Korea and that its R&D center was also established in Korea, as Korea has leading industries with an outstanding workforce. He added that Korea is the optimal place to find an innovative counterplan for future trends in the chemical industry, and development of fuel cells, LED and advancement materials, on which Solvay is focusing its capabilities, are underway in Korea. Solvay is a top global chemical company with a 150-year history.

ChanWoo Kim, Administrative and Relationship Manager of the Kimberly Clark Global Innovation Center (GIC) Korea, established in 2011, also mentioned that the GIC based in Seoul is one of four GICs around the world and the first to be built outside the United States. He also said that Korea’s domestic market may be small, but that Korean consumers are innovative and sensitive to small changes, adding that the Korean government focuses on and supports innovation. The GIC in Seoul will become a global hub that develops and innovates when it comes to products by cooperating with Korean talent, according to Kim.

Solvay also noted that the troubled Asian emerging countries will have a limited impact on investment in Korea, adding that two crises in 1998 and 2008 served as opportunities for Solvay.

PMC Tech, a joint venture of POSCO and Mitsubishi that produces needle cokes, a core part of advanced carbon products, also noted that it will not be affected by the other countries at risk as demand for needle cokes is expected to increase consistently, as they are used for grapheme.

Innovation is the power to overcome a crisis, and one of Korea’s advantages is its innovative environment, which will help avoid being negatively impacted by other Asian countries, according to the Kimberly Clark GIC Korea.

Invest KOREA Commissioner Kiwon Han said that Koreans’ inventions of metal type blocks, one of the ten global inventions that contributed to the development of civilization, and Cheugugi, or the world’s first rain gauge, shows that Koreans have innovative DNA, stressing that Korea will become a capital of innovation and business.

Source: KOTRA Investment Public Relations (September 4, 2013)
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