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Invest Korea Week 2018

Invest KOREA will host the Invest Korea Week 2018 (IKW)
to create an atmosphere of increased foreign investment promotion.
IKW will inform foreign investors about Korea's attractive investment environment.

This year's IKW marks the 14th anniversary, and it will invite
promising investors to the event as well as provide solid supports
by organizing seminars, consulting sessions and site visits.

Event Overview
  • Name: Invest Korea Week 2018
  • Date: November 6 - 8, 2018
  • Venue: Grand Intercontinental Hotel
  • Participants: 2,500 people including investors to Korea, foreign press, Korean companies, HR managers and young job seekers
  • Hosted by: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
  • Organizer: Invest KOREA, KOTRA
  • Theme: Collaborate & Innovate with Korea!
  • Note
    - Provide more opportunities to young job seekers by holding "Foreign-invested Company Job Fair"
    - Industrial structure heightening by attracting strategic investment from companies with competitive technologies

Day 1 (November 6) Day 2 (November 7) Day 3 (November 8)
ㆍOpening Session & Innovative Growth Investment Forum
ㆍPanel Discussion on Regional Development
ㆍPress Conference
ㆍWelcome Reception
ㆍInvestment Promotion Center (November 8-9)
ㆍ1:1 Investment Meeting
ㆍStartup Korea 2018
ㆍStart-up Pitching IR
ㆍ1:1 Consulting Meeting
ㆍFam Tour (Foreign media)
ㆍInvestment Promotion Center (November 6-7)
ㆍInvestment Site Visit
ㆍJob Fair
ㆍIndividual Press Interviews
(Foreign Media)
Press Conference for Foreign Media
ㆍPress Conference for Foreign Media
ㆍParticipation in IKW Programs
ㆍInvestment Site Visits
ㆍMain Agency & Company Tours
ㆍIndividual Press Interviews


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