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The South Korean government has eased visa regulations on foreign buyers in
order to help local small and mid-size firms do business and boost foreign
trade, a trade association said Friday.
According to the Korea
International Trade Association (KITA), the Justice Ministry will review a list
of local firms made by KITA and grant visas within three days to foreign
businesspeople who get invitations from the firms after proper identification
The fast-track visa issuance system started last month and
some 12,000 small and mid-size firms with more than US$500,000 in exports
recorded in the previous year are eligible for it, KITA said.
ministry adopted the system at the request of local firms, said KITA.
"Local firms raised their voices against strict immigration regulations when
they invite foreign buyers from underdeveloped countries. They now will benefit
from the eased rules," said an official from KITA.