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S. Korea, Ethiopia to expand ICT cooperation

According to Yonhap News,

(SEOUL=Yonhap News) South Korea and Ethiopia have signed an accord to promote partnerships in information, communication and technology (ICT) in Addis Ababa, the information technology ministry said Thursday, as President Park Geun-hye was on a visit there.

The memorandum of understanding (MOU) would pave the way for South Korea to transfer more of its advanced technologies to the African nation, said the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.

It is also expected to expedite the launch of businesses there by South Korean tech firms.

Ethiopia is the fourth-largest economy in Africa and its more than 90 million people comprise the second-biggest population on the continent. It is home to the African Union (AU) as well.

In 2011, the two countries inked a deal on science and technology cooperation. Many South Korean scientists have since worked at local colleges there.

"In particular, Ethiopia is pursuing economic development through ICT and science technology and it's seeking to emulate South Korea," the ministry said. "It is requesting cooperation in various fields, including the aerospace industry and the operation of science and technology colleges."

The ministry added it also plans to sign an MOU with the AU on science and technology cooperation.

The two sides will push for joint research on solutions to pending problems including disease control, it said.

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Source: Yonhap News (May 26, 2016)
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