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S. Korea's manufacturing sentiment improves for Sept.

According to Yonhap News,

(SEOUL=Yonhap News) South Korean manufacturers' business sentiment for September improved from this month as local companies anticipate an increase in domestic demand, central bank data showed Tuesday.

The business survey index (BSI) of manufacturing firms came to 83 for next month, up from 78 in August, according to the Bank of Korea (BOK).

A reading below 100 means pessimists outnumber optimists, while a reading above the benchmark means the opposite.

An index measuring local firms' sentiments toward exports came to 88 for next month, unchanged from August. A separate index for domestic sales stood at 88 for September vis-a-vis 86 for August.

The index gauging local firms' views toward profitability stood at 89 for September, up slightly from 88 for August, according to the BOK.

The BSI of nonmanufacturing firms stood at 78 for September, compared with 77 for August.

The monthly index is based on a survey of 2,918 companies throughout the country from Aug. 11 to 21.

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Source: Yonhap News (Aug. 29, 2017)
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